The four things that I have found to be essentials to my happiness!
These four things really became my anchors this past spring semester, allowing me the ability to thrive at UVM. Fall semester, sleep was one of the things that I did not prioritize, leading me to always being cranky and not able to be the person I want to be. The big thing I learned this past semester was to prioritize sleep as it is one of the things that is just as effective as good food and water. By getting some 9-10 hour nights of sleep, I felt I was able to be my energetic, compassionate self. Also, having everything in check and feeling confident allows me as a person to keep pushing myself to be the best person I can be. This idea of never staying stagnant and constantly searching for more was something I really worked on this past semester. This doesn’t mean never feeling content or constantly searching for better things. Harnessing the ability to stay present in everything you do is something that I feel all humans can work on with this world of digital media where people are constantly comparing and trying to highlight the best parts of their life. The ability to stay present, really soaking up like a sponge all you can of each moment allows for a life that is so much more fulfilling on the day to day. By never staying stagnant, this correlated to the side of friendship for me up at UVM. My core group is always going to be there and they are the best. They are my sound board, my rock when things get tough, and my family when I am up at school. With this, I always feel that gaining friendships and expanding human connection never really hurts. It can always help you learn about other perspectives, open your eyes to things you never knew about, and lead to special moments. Focusing on this idea of pushing my social bubble to reach out and make time to develop new friendships is another way to improve myself as a human along with making connections with others. Through this, some other friendships started to develop at the end of spring semester that I hope to continue to kindle when I return back up on campus.
Another idea that I just want to touch on is this idea of constant self-improvement. For me, this central theme has been the constant throughout my life in high school and college. When you turn inwards, you come to realize that you are never finished and there is so much that you as an individual have not had the opportunity to discover about yourself. Pushing your comfortability just a bit everyday, allows you to explore and learn things that you thought you were not able to achieve. With this, I challenge everyone to consistently try and push their own comfort level each day. It really doesn’t have to be much. It can be a “Hi, What’s up?” to a person you usually wouldn’t usually say hi to. 10 seconds of courage is all you need! These 10 seconds can lead to an opportunity that you didn’t know was even possible if you hadn’t made that first move. Checkmate, it’s time for your move!